Saturday, April 21, 2012

New way of seeing things, new perspective...

It's April, my favorite month of the year... you might ask why??? it's an awesome month because my dad's birthday and my birthday are both on April... just a quick thing that was on my mind :)

It's been awesome these past few months, God has been moving and I can tell you that I have felt Him moving!
I have been all over Guatemala partnering with different ministries helping them with mission trips, and it's been a blast! I've seen God working miracles and wonders, and I'm in awe, what an awesome God we serve!

It's also been awesome and wonderful because almost two months ago I joined a ministry, At Risk No More (, as a volunteer and I'm their new Media Coordinator. It's been a blessing ever since.

With At Risk No More, we're working with street teens, youth and adults at risk, and together with a network of many ministries and organizations, we are giving them opportunities and education, but above all we are giving them hope.

These past couple of months I've seen Guatemala's reality with different eyes, I believe the Lord is fixing my sight to see the way He sees, and to be able to do as He wants me too.

I've been praying a lot about all these new things that I'm seeing, and about all these youth in the streets. It just breaks my heart every time we do a visit, specially at night time, and I see them there, laying on a bench or on the floor getting high. They're kids, I don't care if they are 14 or 22, they are kids; kids that nobody cared about when they were younger, kids that know no other reality and can't deal with it. I'm just thankful every time they open their hearts and share with us, and listen to us, but specially when they ask for help.
I'm so thankful for the network of ministries and organizations that partner with us and work together with us for these people to be safe and to have the chance to have a future, a better life. It's just so fulfilling when I hear a testimony of some of the volunteers saying that they used to live in the streets, but after they were given a chance, they were able to study and to change their lives, and now they are out of the streets, and they know and have a personal relationship with Jesus. That's what it's all about!

There are so many stories I would love to share with you, but I think this will be enough reason to blog more often, I'll be posting some stories for you to know some of the amazing things that God is doing here in Guatemala, and how He's so good to me and He lets me be part of it.

In the last post I told you I was gonna give you more details about my recent mission trips... I think that would take me forever (sorry, but I've been on 8 mission trips from January - March) but I will share some pictures with you and will tell you a little bit about them. You can also find out a little bit more on my facebook profile

Remember, for additional information, keep on checking this blog, or go to , or email me to
Also, if you have a prayer request or you want to be my partner in ministry, please contact me, I will love to hear from you!

I want to close this post with a blessing for you, 

  “The LORD bless you
   and keep you;
   the LORD make his face shine on you
   and be gracious to you;
   the LORD turn his face toward you
   and give you peace." Num 6:24 - 26

With my lovely friends Bobbie, Darla, and Corri,  from Life Touch Ministries. Conference: When the pain is too deep, finding your way back to joy. Shared with the staff of Lemonade International.

More than a thousand people waiting for us, the Speroway team, to assist them with medical and dental clinics. This was in Cuilapa Sta. Rosa, Guatemala.

The Speroway team of doctors, dentists, and translators :)

Bringing joy to those in need, with the Shalom Foundation.

Much needed Nutritional workshops for the people (mainly women) in Sumpango, Guatemala. With the Grace Church team from Wisconsin.

My dad and Laura, assisting a patient. Loved to have my dad with me on this trip!

My family, the GEMS team in their most recent visit in March. They are a blessing and a true family to me!

Bible story time, with the kids of Sta. Catarina Pinula's outreach center.

We shared with them an awesome bible story and then some snacks :)

Sharing with the kids from the outreach center at Sta. Catarina Pinula, Guatemala. These kids need so much love, and the people who serve at this outreach center do a marvelous job. These kids get free tutoring (teachers help them to do homework, to study for tests, etc.) snacks, and their moms can also learn different trades. Here, you can see my sister translating for the team (white blouse). Love it when my family gets to join me and serve with me!

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