Monday, December 3, 2012

Let the fun begin!

Hi friends and family, it's been a while.

Just when you think you know what you're doing and what are you supposed to be doing, God surprises you with new things and new plans. And that's why I love to work for Him, He's the best and greatest leader one could ever follow.

After our merge with AMG the Lord has been opening doors for us to explore different areas where we can work in and use our gifts to help more people. Now we're not just helping street youth but also children and teens at risk. It's been great to see all there is to do and how God's showing us the how.

I've traveled quite a bit as usual and I've been facing some realities I haven't before. It's always hard to be expose to a new situation/problem but it's also needed, to be able to do something!

A couple of months ago, one of my missionary friends called telling me that her 11 year old daughter had been diagnosed with type 1 diabetes and she needed me to help them translating at her Doctor's appointment (she speaks Spanish, but the medical terms can be a little bit tricky sometimes). At the end, I also found an specialist (the one we visited at first did nothing but charge lots and send her back home, when she really needed to be hospitalized). Long story short, that was the way God used for me to get in contact with the best pediatric endocrinologist here in Guatemala.
Some weeks after that she called me to ask me to translate for another patient, and we've been in contact ever since. While helping her, I visited one of our public hospitals, to face another reality, one well known by people who live here. The need and the lack of equipment and medications and human resources is great. After spending some days with the Dr., I realized how much she needs help to be able to help more kids that she already does. She's helping (just in that hospital) 72 families with kids with diabetes. She also does all the teaching and all the follow up appointments (she doesn't have trained nurses or diabetes educators to help her due to the lack of a budget for that). So I have been contacting some friends (specially nurses) to find people who want to come to Guatemala for a season to help these kids and families. For now, I'll receive my first class with her tomorrow, she's gonna train me to be an educator in type 1 diabetes so I can help her when needed to educate families that just discovered that one of their children has diabetes. This makes me really happy because, after spending some time with some of these kids/teens, I saw their needs, their fears, and that if they get to hear about God, and how His purposes are perfect, they will have a hope. Another good thing about this, is that 90% of the families who come to this public hospital are very poor and live in areas at risk, so this lines up with what I've been doing, but adding the type 1 diabetes factor. I know this is from God, and I'll keep you posted with all the great things that are gonna happen.

The year is almost done, but not quite yet. Our scholar year here in Guatemala is done though (January - October), and some of the girls from the orphanage I ministered to these past two years invited me to their high school graduation. This made me so happy, and proud. One thing that happens lots here in Guatemala with population at risk, is that most of the times they don't even make it to junior high, so the fact that they finished high school is already a lot, and they are actually applying for some colleges so they can continue with their formal education. So this was a very special occasion. Their graduation was last Saturday, I'll post some pictures here from before the graduation, how they were preparing themselves for this special occasion.

Last but not least, I have a big announcement to make... Yesterday I created a campaign to fund raise to be able to keep on serving next year (2013). It's been almost three years that I've been serving as a full time missionary here in Guatemala and I haven't been doing any fund raising, after this long my savings are pretty much non-existent. So I would like to ask you to please take a minute to click on my campaign, share it, and also donate. Please let others know about it so they can partner with me and together serve the Lord as one.
(campaign link:

With Alba Lili, outside the beauty salon. She was about to get her hair and make up done for her graduation act.

Tracy, already ready to go and receive her high school diploma. Way to go Tracy!

In Huehetenango, visiting a family crying out for help. It is so good when you get just on time. It is so good to see how God takes care of His children.

With two friends and volunteers, Maria Jose (left) and Jentami (right) before and activity with the street youth

With some of the street guys and two ARNM full time volunteers (Emma & Hector Perez) before a concert we took the guys to. It was quite an experience. We got them backstage passes, so it was really fun.

This is a funny one, recording the video for my fund raise campaign at a friends house. He donated his time and equipment to do it (I'm so thankful). But at the beginning, I wasn't really sure if what I was doing was right :)

This is a picture taken by a fiend of mine who's a photographer. I love photography, and I dunno if I had mentioned it before, but thought it was a good one to share. Enjoying the beautiful view of Guatemala city.

Monday, October 1, 2012

God's doing awesome things!


These past two months just passed by so quick, it feels like I blinked and we're in October already.

God has been good to me and He's showed His mercy and love every single day.

In these past few months tons of things have happened. In June I went to Nicaragua with my very dear friends from MO to, once again, share the Pure Joy experience ( and it was an unforgettable trip. Even the week before the trip God prepared us with words of encouragement and guidance for us to know what was coming. I wish I could tell you every detail, but it will take me days. Just know that God worked wonders and miracles, and lots of pastor wives and women in leadership were released from big burdens and now walk in freedom. I love my PJ friends and we're getting ready for our next trip in the next 3 or 4 months. (Praise God!!!)

We (At Risk No More) also had the honor and blessing to have Darla france from Lifetouch Ministries ( teaching us ways to go back to the Joy when the pain is to deep. Focus on our work with the street youth. It was a blessing for our staff and our network, and I can't wait to see her next January and see what God has in store for us. With Darla and her team, we also had the opportunity to go to a women's prison to share Darla's powerful story and to pray for them. It was a first for me, and definitely not a last. We are already planning to do a day of workshop with them so we can help them to deal with the pain an be closer to God.

I'm joyfully finding out some abilities I didn't know I have. I'm thankful to God to be able to use these gifts for His kingdom. One of those abilities is to create things with my hands, I've been recycling different materials and also buying some materials to create jewelry and accessories. And this month I'm going to be teaching this to some of the street girls I work with so they can learn how to do it and sell what they do. This is part of a Vocational Training Program I'll be part of, and that makes me so happy!
 We (At Risk No More) are also developing a micro finance program so they can learn to manage this as a business. Part of our plan is to teach them to create high quality pieces, and then buy them from them so we can later on place them to be sold at some stores here in Guatemala and also for them to be shown to the missionary teams that come and work with us.

A couple of months ago I was invited by MOJOCA (street youth movement, a non religious organization that helps and equips street youth and former street youth) to teach Sunday School. This is so big! Specially because they are a non-religious organization. I feel honored and blessed cause they asked me to do it. They told me they wanted me to help them with that because of qualities and things they've observed in my life. All I have to say is that they saw Christ in me, cause without Him, there's just my humanity, and that's not something I wanna share.
I started teaching Sunday School in September and it's been a HUGE blessing. They have 4 classes, babies: 0-3 years old, little kids: 4-5 years old, kids: 6-8 years old, pre-teens: 9-13 years old. Each class with an average of 15 kids.
It's been an amazing blessing to share bible stories, play games, and listen to their thoughts and experiences. Even the younger ones amazed me with how they analyze things in such a mature way. Definitely their life has been harder, but I know God's letting me plant the seed, and they will eventually have a personal relationship with Him. So far they remember and understand that He's with them always, and that He loves them.

Another new thing is that now, At Risk No More (the ministry I volunteer at), has merge with AMG (advancing the ministries of the gospel and that has brought lots of changes, good ones, and we are excited to see what God has in store for us as a ministry and also as individuals.

There are tons of things that I could write you about, but for now know that I'm thankful for God's goodness and love, and that I'm able to serve Him by taking care and loving the street youth here in Guatemala City. I still ask you for your prayers and your financial support. And would also love for you to share this blog post to others that might be interested in partnering with me, or to know more about what we're doing to reach the street youth.

Talk to you soon!!!


The Pure Joy Nicaragua Team :)

Part of our staff and people from our network together with the Lifetouch Ministries team at the end of the workshop.

Those are my hands, I'm sewing a scarf made of an old t-shirt. One of the things I'll be teaching the girls to do.

Teaching Sunday School to the kids in MOJOCA. One of my favorite things to do now!

For more information about this ministry, for prayer requests or, if you are interested to receive a ministry report, please contact me to

Saturday, August 4, 2012

Working in ministry, partnering with godly people

So, it's been months since I've had a day off or just time to relax, and that's just the best that can happen to me. I'm so blessed to be able to serve the Lord 24/7 that words can't really express my gratitude.
I'm thankful for the people who read my blog and are patient to wait for me to post something. I promise that   whenever I have time I post something (the problem is not the that I don't want to write, it's just that sometimes I really can't :S)

Some weeks ago I went to the United States for two weeks to visit some friends and to share my vision with some churches, it was a beautiful experience. I was visiting but also looking for people who will be willing to partner with me in ministry to support me financially and to keep me in their prayers. (

My first stop was at Wisconsin Rapids, WI. I have awesome friends there, they took me all over the place, had a welcome party and showed me around. I felt so welcomed, I thank God for their lives and for how they bless mine.
I was able to visit Grace Lutheran Church and share with them the work that we do with the "At Risk No More" team here in Guatemala. It was neat to see how they want to help and come back to work some projects with the street youth.

After spending some amazing days with them I went to Chicago and spent a couple of days there, visiting and relaxing and trying to make some connections there too.

My last stop was Warsaw, IN. I spent a week there. I just loved my time there, I have so many friends in Warsaw that my time there is often not enough to see them all, and this was no exception to the rule. But I had time to visit most of them. I love them so much, they bless me and fill me with God's joy, what else can I ask for?

While in Warsaw, I shared with a youth group from Christ's Covenant Church. I love sharing with youth groups, specially because I showed them a video of the street youth I work with. The things they go through, and how important it is to meet them where they are and to show them a better future in God.
Many of them were very interested in knowing more about my ministry, and also they were interested in joining mission groups that will come in the future. It was a blessing
I also visited WCC and spoke with his missions pastor, I hope they get to consider partnering with me so I can continue doing what God has asked me to do ( well, not just him, people from this church and many other churches).

After those days in the United States I came back to Guatemala with renewed Hope, Joy, and Strength. And a couple of days later, I was already getting into a bus to go to Nicaragua. Wow, that was pretty amazing, but I'll leave this story for my next blog (I'm already preparing that one).

For now, I'll leave you with some pictures of my visit and the awesome doors God's opening for me.

Before I say goodbye for now, I would love for you to go and visit my CTEN profile, , you can also share this link with other people. I really need people who would pray for me and support me financially to be able to keep doing what God has asked me to do.
When you partner with a missionary (in any way) you are allowing that missionary to serve God by serving others, and at the same time you are serving through that missionary. I would love for you and your family or friends to parter with me. Pray about it, and keep posted, I'll be sharing soon about our "Pure Joy" Nicaragua trip.

ready to go, US here I come!

With my friends visiting Wisconsin Dells

At Grace Lutheran Church sharing about what I do here in Guatemala

With Darla France, Counselor and International speaker, and Bobbie Mohler, planning their next trip to Guatemala

visiting Fort Wayne's zoo with my friend Paola :)

G.E.M.S. family (+ Paola). Some of my friends who have done missions here in Guatemala with me. 

Driving my friend's Mustang (I really wanted to share this pic, one of those gifts God gives me without me asking for them. I'm blessed, and I love that God listens even the silly desires of my heart)

beautiful day, God's creation is amazing and beautiful all over the world. Warsaw, IN

Saturday, April 21, 2012

New way of seeing things, new perspective...

It's April, my favorite month of the year... you might ask why??? it's an awesome month because my dad's birthday and my birthday are both on April... just a quick thing that was on my mind :)

It's been awesome these past few months, God has been moving and I can tell you that I have felt Him moving!
I have been all over Guatemala partnering with different ministries helping them with mission trips, and it's been a blast! I've seen God working miracles and wonders, and I'm in awe, what an awesome God we serve!

It's also been awesome and wonderful because almost two months ago I joined a ministry, At Risk No More (, as a volunteer and I'm their new Media Coordinator. It's been a blessing ever since.

With At Risk No More, we're working with street teens, youth and adults at risk, and together with a network of many ministries and organizations, we are giving them opportunities and education, but above all we are giving them hope.

These past couple of months I've seen Guatemala's reality with different eyes, I believe the Lord is fixing my sight to see the way He sees, and to be able to do as He wants me too.

I've been praying a lot about all these new things that I'm seeing, and about all these youth in the streets. It just breaks my heart every time we do a visit, specially at night time, and I see them there, laying on a bench or on the floor getting high. They're kids, I don't care if they are 14 or 22, they are kids; kids that nobody cared about when they were younger, kids that know no other reality and can't deal with it. I'm just thankful every time they open their hearts and share with us, and listen to us, but specially when they ask for help.
I'm so thankful for the network of ministries and organizations that partner with us and work together with us for these people to be safe and to have the chance to have a future, a better life. It's just so fulfilling when I hear a testimony of some of the volunteers saying that they used to live in the streets, but after they were given a chance, they were able to study and to change their lives, and now they are out of the streets, and they know and have a personal relationship with Jesus. That's what it's all about!

There are so many stories I would love to share with you, but I think this will be enough reason to blog more often, I'll be posting some stories for you to know some of the amazing things that God is doing here in Guatemala, and how He's so good to me and He lets me be part of it.

In the last post I told you I was gonna give you more details about my recent mission trips... I think that would take me forever (sorry, but I've been on 8 mission trips from January - March) but I will share some pictures with you and will tell you a little bit about them. You can also find out a little bit more on my facebook profile

Remember, for additional information, keep on checking this blog, or go to , or email me to
Also, if you have a prayer request or you want to be my partner in ministry, please contact me, I will love to hear from you!

I want to close this post with a blessing for you, 

  “The LORD bless you
   and keep you;
   the LORD make his face shine on you
   and be gracious to you;
   the LORD turn his face toward you
   and give you peace." Num 6:24 - 26

With my lovely friends Bobbie, Darla, and Corri,  from Life Touch Ministries. Conference: When the pain is too deep, finding your way back to joy. Shared with the staff of Lemonade International.

More than a thousand people waiting for us, the Speroway team, to assist them with medical and dental clinics. This was in Cuilapa Sta. Rosa, Guatemala.

The Speroway team of doctors, dentists, and translators :)

Bringing joy to those in need, with the Shalom Foundation.

Much needed Nutritional workshops for the people (mainly women) in Sumpango, Guatemala. With the Grace Church team from Wisconsin.

My dad and Laura, assisting a patient. Loved to have my dad with me on this trip!

My family, the GEMS team in their most recent visit in March. They are a blessing and a true family to me!

Bible story time, with the kids of Sta. Catarina Pinula's outreach center.

We shared with them an awesome bible story and then some snacks :)

Sharing with the kids from the outreach center at Sta. Catarina Pinula, Guatemala. These kids need so much love, and the people who serve at this outreach center do a marvelous job. These kids get free tutoring (teachers help them to do homework, to study for tests, etc.) snacks, and their moms can also learn different trades. Here, you can see my sister translating for the team (white blouse). Love it when my family gets to join me and serve with me!

Monday, February 6, 2012


Hello, again!

I've been trying to get better at blogging but there are so many things to do... and I'm still learning to prioritize things, the only thing I can say is that I'll try my best to keep you posted on what's happening.

It's been a crazy couple of months, God's blessings are overwhelming sometimes, specially when you realize you really don't deserve them. And there are some things that have been changing a lot too.

Let's begin with some news.

After serving at Shadow Of His Wings Orphanage for two years, I am now no longer part of their missionary staff. Those two years were amazing, one of the greatest experiences and blessings God has given me. But as always, God has other plans for me, and after praying for months God gave me the answer I was expecting.
So I moved out from Monjas, Jalapa, and I'm back in Guatemala city.

This has been sad and fun at the same time. Of course I miss my girls and friends, but I have been doing so many awesome things that all I can say is that I really see God in the midst of this situation.

After moving back to the city (literally a couple of days later) I was blessed by joining a missionary team in Managua, Nicaragua to help some orphanages and bless many women through the "Pure Joy" conference. Being this my first (on my own, not with my parents as a child) international mission trip, I've been thrilled ever since. We are already planning the next trip to Nicaragua, and in March I'm doing a medical trip in El Salvador. So, this is one of the many promises of God taking place in my life.

After the Nicaragua trip, I've been partnering with some awesome ministries to help them with mission trips in different areas in Guatemala (I'll talk a little more about these trips on my next blog).

I have been in my house for maybe a week since I moved in two months ago, so I can really tell you that God has been way too good to me. And even it's been just a week, I've been trying to get together with family and friends to enjoy the blessing of their company.

I'm trying to get better at blogging, and one of the improvements I'll do is that I'll blog more often but I will also post shorter blogs (cause I understand your time is more than valuable).

So, this is it for today.

Just know I thank the Lord for your life and I would love to hear from you or to receive a prayer request from you, or for you to partner with my ministry.

For additional information, keep on checking this blog, or go to , or email me to

It will be a blessing to hear from you!

singing with my amazing friend and sister Kim, in Managua, Nicaragua.

With two of the most amazing and anointed people I know, and I have the honor to call them friends and sisters! Sandy and Lu. 

praying for this girl, she's 27 just like me, but was electrocuted when she was a child and stopped growing ever since. It's been hard, specially living in a rural area where everyone makes fun of her.  

some amazing kids from a community we worked at.

The Pure Joy 2011 Nicaragua team + Alvaro

With my cousins, sister and nephew, enjoying a Sunday afternoon.

with some amazing missionary friends and kids, having fun!

Forgot to mention, my lil sis came to visit me for thanks giving, here we are thanking the Lord for His blessings and Love!